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1941: Counter Attack 1942 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally 10-yard Fight 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II 1944 : The Loop Master 19XX : The Warinst Destiny 4 En Raya 4 Fun In 1 4-D Warriors 720° Acrobat Mission Acrobatic Dog-Fight Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon Adventure Quiz 2 - Hatena? no Daibouken Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 Adventure Quiz: Capcom World Adventures of Robby Roto!, The Aero Fighters Aeroboto After Burner After Burner II Ah Eikou No Koshien Air Assault Air Attack Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit Air Combat Air Duel Air Gallet Air Rescue Airwolf Ajax Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars Alien Sector Alien Storm Alien Syndrome Alien VS Predator Alien3: The Gun Aliens All American Football Alley Master Alligator Hunt Alpine Ski Altered Beast Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea, The Amazing Maze Ambush American Horseshoes American Speedway Amidar Angel Kids Anteater Apb - All Points Bulletin Appoooh Aqua Jack Aqua Rush Aquarium Arabian Arabian Fight Arabian Magic Arbalester Arcade Classics Arcadia 2001 Arch Rivals Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo V2.0 Argus Ark Area Arkanoid Arkanoid Returns Arlington Horse Racing Arm Wrestling Armed Formation Armed Police Batrider Armored Car Armored Warriors Ashura Blaster ASO: Armored Scrum Object Assault Asterix Asteroids Asteroids Deluxe Astro Fighter astro laser Astyanax, The Asuka & Asuka Asura Blade - Sword Of Dynasty Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors Asylum Atari Baseball Atari Soccer Ataxx Athena Athena No Hatena ? Atomic Boy Atomic Point Atomic Robo-kid Aurail Avalanche Avengers Avengers In Galactic Storm Avenging Spirit Aztarac Azurian Attack B.C. Kid - Arcade Version B.Rap Boys Back Street Soccer Backfire! Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja Badlands Bagnard, Le Baku Baku Animal Bakuretsu Quiz Ma-q Dai Bouken Bakutotsu Kijuutei Bal Cube Balloon Bomber Balloon Brothers Baluba-louk No Densetsu Banbam Bang Bang Ball Bang! Bank Panic Barricade Barrier Baryon: Future Assault Baseball: The Season II Batman Batsugun Batsugun Special Version Battlantis Battle Bakraid: Unlimited Version Battle Chopper Battle Circuit Battle Cross Battle Garegga Battle K-Road Battle Lane! Vol. 5 Battle of Atlantis Battle Rangers Battle Shark Battle Zone Battlecry Battle-Road, The Battletoads Beam Invader Beast Busters Beathead Beatmania Beatmania 2nd Mix Beatmania 4th Mix Beatmania Core Remix Beatmania Featuring Dreams Come True Beezer Ben Bero Beh Beraboh Man Berlin Wall, The Bermuda Triangle Berzerk Best Bout Boxing Big Bucks Big Event Golf Big Karnak Big Pro Wrestling!, The Big Run Big Twin Bigfoot Bonkers Bijokko Gakuen Billiard Academy Real Break Bio Attack Biomechanical Toy Bionic Commando Bio-ship Paladin Birdie King Birdie King 2 Birdie Try Black Heart Black Hole Black Panther Black Tiger Black Widow Blade Master Blades Of Steel Blandia Blast Off Blasted Blasteroids Blasto Blaze On Blazing Tornado Block Block Block Carnival Block Gal Block Hole Block Out Blocken Blomby Car Blood Bros. Blood Storm Blood Warrior Bloxeed Blue Hawk Blue Print Blue Shark Boardwalk Casino Body Slam Bogey Manor Boggy '84 Bomb Bee Bomb Jack Bomber Man World Bomberman Bombjack Twin Bonanza Bros. Bonze Adventure Boogie Wings Boomer Rang'r Borderline Borench Bosconian Botanic Bottom Of The Ninth Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 Bounty, The Bowling Alley Bowl-O-Rama Boxer Boxing Bugs Boxy Boy Bradley Trainer Break Thru Brick Zone Brute Force Bubble Bobble II Bubble Memories: The Story of Bubble Bobble III Bucky O'Hare Buggy Challenge Bullfight Burger Time Burglar X Burning Force Burning Rival Butasan - Pig's & Bomber's Cabal Cachat Cadash Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Caliber 50 Calipso Cameltry Cannon Ball Canyon Bomber Capcom Baseball: Suketto Gaijin Oo-Abare Capcom Bowling Capcom Sports Club Captain America And The Avengers Captain Commando Captain Silver Car Jamboree Carnevil Carnival Carrier Air Wing Cavelon Caveman Ninja Centipede Cerberus Chain Reaction Challenger Chameleon Champion Base Ball Champion Boxing Champion Pro Wrestling Champion Wrestler Championship Sprint Change Air Blade Changes Charlie Ninja Chase H.q. Check Man Checkmate Cheeky Mouse Cheese Chase Chelnov - Atomic Runner Chequered Flag Cheyenne Chicken Shift Chiller Chinese Hero Choplifter Chopper I Chuka Taisen Circus Charlie Cisco Heat City Bomber City Connection Clash-road Clay Pigeon Clay Shoot Cleopatra Fortune Cliffhanger, The : Edward Randy Cloak & Dagger Cloud 9 Cobra-command Colony 7 Columns Columns '97 Columns II: The Voyage Through Time Combat Combat School Combatribes, The Competition Golf Final Round Congo Bongo Continental Circus Cool Pool Cop 01 Cops'n Robbers Cosmic Alien Cosmic Avenger Cosmic Chasm Cosmic Cop Cosmo Gang the Puzzle Cosmo Gang the Video Cosmo Police Galivan Counter Run Country Club Crackshot Crash Crater Raider Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo Crazy Balloon Crazy Climber Crazy Climber 2 Crazy Kong Crazy Rally Crime City Crime Fighters Cross Pang Crossbow Crowns Golf Crude Buster Crypt Killer Crystal Castles Cuby Bop Cue Brick Curve Ball Cute Fighter Cutie Q Cybattler Cyber Police Eswat: Enhanced Special Weapons And Tactics Cyber Sled Cyberball Cyberbots : Fullmetal Madness Daioh Dancing Eyes Danger Zone Dangerous Dungeons Dangerous Seed Dan-ku-ga Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat Darius Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version Darius II Dark Edge Dark Planet Dark Seal Dark Tower Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors Darwin 4078 D-con D-day Dead Angle Dead Connection Dead Eye Deep, The Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO Defender Deluxe 5 Demolition Derby Demon Demoneye-x Demon's World Denjin Makai Depthcharge Deroon Derodero Desert Gun Desert War Destroyer Detana Twinbee ! Devastators Devil Fish Devil World Devil Zone Dharma Doujou Diamond Run Die Hard Arcade Dig Dug Dig Dug II Digger Dimahoo Dingo Dino Rex Dirt Fox Disco No.1 Discs Of Tron Diver Boy DJ Boy Do! Run Run Dock Man DoDonPachi Dog Fight Dog Patch Dogyuun Dokaben Domino Man Dominos Dommy Don Den Lover Vol. 1 - Shiro Kuro Tsukeyo! Don Doko Don Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 3 DonPachi Dorachan Dorodon Dottori Kun Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone Double Dribble Double Dynamites, The Double Play Double Wings Downtown Dr. Micro Drag Race Dragon Blaze Dragon Breed Dragon Buster Dragon Gun Dragon Master Dragon Saber Dragon Spirit Dragon Unit / Castle Of Dragon DragonBall Z Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy Dream Shopper Dream Soccer '94 Dream World Dribbling Drift Out Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order Driver's Edge Driving Force Dungeon Magic Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom Dunk Mania Dyger Dyna Gear Dynamic Country Club Dynamic Ski Dynamite Duke Dynamite Dux Dynamite League Dynasty Wars Dyno Bop E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force Eagle Shot Golf Eight Ball Action Eight Forces Elevator Action Elevator Action Returns Embargo Emeraldia Empire City: 1931 Empire Strikes Back, The End, The Enduro Racer Enforce Equites Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters Escape Kids ESP Ra.De. Espgaluda Espial Euro Champ '92 Evil Stone Exciting Soccer Exed Exes Exerion Explosive Breaker Express Raider Exterminator Extra Bases Extra Inning Extreme Downhill Exvania Exzisus Eyes F-1 Dream F-1 Grand Prix F-1 Grand Prix Part II Face Off FairyLand Story, The Fallen Angels, The Fancy World: Earth of Crisis Fantasia Fantasia II Fantastic Journey Fantasy Fantasy Land Fantasy Zone Fast Lane Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert FAX Fever SOS Fighter & Attacker Fighter's History Fighting Hawk Fighting Roller Fighting Soccer Final Blow Final Round, The Final Star Force Finalizer - Super Transformation Find Out Finest Hour Fire Battle Fire One Fire Shark Fire Trap Fire Truck / Smokey Joe FixEight Flash Point Flashgal Flicky Flyball Fly-boy Flying Shark Food Fight Football Champ Four Trax Free Kick Freeze Frisky Tom Frogger From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Super Slams Front Line Funky Bee Funky Fish Funky Jet Funny Bubble G.I. Joe Gaia Crusaders Gaia: The Last Choice of Earth Galactic Warriors Galaga Galaga '88 Galaxian Galaxy Gunners Galaxy Ranger Galaxy Wars Galmedes Gals Hustler Gals Panic Gals Panic II Gals Pinball Game Paradise - Master of Shooting!, The Ganbare Ginkun Gang Busters Gang Wars Gaplus Gardia Garyo Retsuden Gauntlet Gauntlet II Gee Bee Gekirindan Gemini Wing Genix Family Genpei Toumaden Ghostmuncher Galaxian Ghouls'n Ghosts Giga Wing Gigandes Gigas Mark II Gimme A Break Ginga Ninkyouden Gionbana Gladiator Gladiator 1984 Glass Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun Go Go! Mile Smile Goalie Ghost Goindol Gold Medalist Golden Axe Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder Golden Fire II Golden Tee Golf Golden Tee Golf II Golfing Greats Golly! Ghost! Gomoku Narabe Renju Gondomania Got-cha Mini Game Festival Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh Cooking Gradius III Grand Champion Grand Cross V1.02f Grand Striker - Human Cup Grand Striker 2 Grand Tour Gratia - Second Earth Gravitar Great 1000 Miles Rally: U.S.A Version! Great Swordsman Green Beret Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer Grobda Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects Growl Grudge Match Guardian Guardian Storm Guerrilla War Guided Missile Gulf Storm Gulf War II Gumbo Gun & Frontier Gun Dealer Gun Dealer '94 Gun Fight Gun Master Gun.Smoke Gunbarich Gunbird Gunbuster Gundhara Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island GunForce II Gunlock GunNail Guwange Guzzler Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho Gypsy Juggler Gyrodine Gyruss Hacha Mecha Fighter Hachoo! Hal21 Halley's Comet Hammerin' Harry Hana Awase Hana Kochou Hana To Ojisan Hana Yayoi Hanagumi Taisen Columns - Sakura Wars Hanaroku Hang-on Hang-on Jr. Hangzo Hard Drivin's Airborne Hard Dunk Hard Hat Hard Head Hard Head 2 Hard Yardage Hat Trick Hatch Catch Hatris Haunted Castle Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen - The King Of Quiz Hayaoshi Taisen Quiz Hyhoo Hayaoshi Taisen Quiz Hyhoo 2 Head On Head On 2 Head Panic Heavy Barrel Heavy Metal Heavy Smash Heavyweight Champ Hebereke No Popoon Heiankyo Alien Helifire Hellfire Hexa Hexion High Impact Football High Voltage High Way Race Hippodrome Hit Me Hit 'n Miss Hit The Ice Hoccer Hole Land Holosseum Hook Hoops'96 Hopper Robo Hopping Mappy Horizon Hot Chase Hot Pinball Hot Rod Hot Shocker Hot Shots Tennis Hotdog Storm Hunchback at the Olympics Hustle Hydra Hyper Crash Hyper Duel Hyper Pacman Hyper Sports Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition I, Robot Ikari III - The Rescue Ikki I'm Sorry Image Fight In the Hunt In Your Face Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom Indoor Soccer Insector Insector X Intrepid Invader's Revenge Ipm Invader Iq-block Iron Horse Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road Track-pak J. J. Squawkers Jack the Giantkiller Jackal Jail Break Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu Joe & Mac Returns John Elway's Team Quarterback Joust Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest Jr. Pac-Man Judge Dredd Jump Bug Jump Coaster Jump Shot Jumping Cross Jumping Jack Jungle King Jungler Juno First Jurassic Park Kageki Kaiser Knuckle Kaitei Takara Sagashi Kamikaze Cabbie Kangaroo Karate Blazers Karate Champ Karate Tournament, The Karian Cross Karnov Ken-go Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Kick Kick Off Kick Start - Wheelie King Kicker Kickle Cubicle / Meikyu Jima Kid Niki - Radical Ninja Kid No Hore Hore Daisakusen KiKi KaiKai Killer Comet Killer Instinct Killer Instinct 2 Killing Blade, The King & Balloon King Of Boxer King of Dragons, The Kingdom Grandprix Kirameki Star Road Kitten Kaboodle Klax Knights of the Round Knuckle Bash Knuckle Bash 2 Knuckle Heads Knuckle Joe Kodure Ookami Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari konami '88 Konami Gt Konami's Ping-pong Kosodate Quiz My Angel Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2 Koutetsu Yousai Strahl Kozmik Kroozr Kram Krazy Bowl Krull kuhga - operation code 'vapor trail' Kung-fu Master Kung-fu Taikun Kuri Kinton Kyros kyukyoku tiger ii Kyuukai Douchuuki Lady Bug Lady Frog Lady Master of Kung Fu Laguna Racer Land Sea Air Squad Lasso Last Day, The Last Duel Last Mission Last Striker Lazer Command Led Storm Rally 2011 Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf Legend Legend of Hero Tonma Legend of Kage, The Legend of Silkroad, The Legendary Wings Legion: Spinner-87 Legionnaire Lemmings Leprechaun Lethal Crash Race Lethal Enforcers Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters Lethal Justice Lethal Thunder Levers Libble Rabble Liberation lifeforce Lightning Fighters Liquid Kids Lizard Wizard Lock 'n' Chase Loco-motion lode runner Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu Lode Runner: The Dig Fight Logic Pro Logic Pro 2 Looping Lost Castle In Darkmist, The Lost Tomb lost worlds Lot Lot Lunar Rescue M.a.c.h. 3 M.I.A.: Missing in Action M-79 Ambush Mach Breakers Macross Plus Mad Crasher Mad Donna Mad Motor Mad Planets Mad Shark Mag Max Magic Bubble Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy Magical Cat Adventure Magical Crystals Magical Spot Magical Spot II Magix / Rock Main Event Main Event, The Major Havoc Major Title Major Title 2 makai densetsu makai-mura |
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